A Different View on Spain.

I just came across this well-done, inspiring and informative video about Spain’s Reality and couldn’t resist sharing it!

After watching the video you will learn that even in the middle of a crisis Spain is a country of amazing opportunity,  it doesn’t matter the way you look at it. Here you will watch a series of current Spanish achievements both at home and around the world. Most of the things mentioned were probably left out by the international media, so take a good look at this video, we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised and pretty impressed. It’s just a matter of changing the way you look at things.

“This video was obviously made by Grant Thornton to promote Spain”… WHAT?

( No, no, no… let’s go back to that first sentence! )

This video was made by Grant Thornton to promote themselves, and they took advantage of the situation our country lives right now to make up an infomercial about their fantastic services and to fill your brain with “propaganda” when your defenses are down.

Once said that, I have to say that the video is pretty good and the message of the first 4 minutes is really inspiring and it can cheer up some people who really need it right now. I’m from Spain, and I’m proud of it, and everybody work really hard to remind me how bad the situation in my country is, but nobody worked half as hard to tell me all the amazing things our companies, business-man, scientists or other professionals achieved.

Grant Thornton is a multinational corporation who provides audit, tax and advisory services to businesses and, as I can deduce, it is not positive for them to operate in a country where investors are scared and are not willing to spend their money on their services. I understand that’s the reason of making this motivational-video-commercial.

Grant Thornton Commercial by Javi Yebenes

Now that we understand that this is a good but not great promotional action made by the marketing team of Grant Thornton, I must say that I really enjoy and get emotional with the content of the video. I’m really proud of some of the things my countrymen have achieved, not just because we share a language or a passport, but because we share a way of living, enjoying life, being creative and working hard, doesn’t matter what the world thinks, we are hard-workers, and we are very very ambitious.

To summarize:

I. Grant Thornton got a lot of sympathy and notoriety with this video and it was a positive way of promoting their company in our country.

II. A lot of Spain’s politicians and bankers are corrupt, negligent and despicable; but we still are one of the most creative, adventurous, talented and fun countries of the world.